Thursday, December 8, 2011

Doctor Visit, Doctor Vacation

Its terrible, but I've grown to love Abigails doctors visits. For one thing, its nice to get good news about her health. Better? It wears her out. The poking and prodding just takes it out of her and I get a docile, sleepy baby when I get home.

I'm not a monster, I don't enjoy her being upset or scared. The visits and tests are for her own good, and as a result I get a perfect baby. Its not that I skip when leaving the house for a doctors appointment. That would just be rubbing Abbys face in it. That would not do.

I skip on the way back in the house. She's already passed out so I know she wont be offended.

We had her first cardiologist appointment last Monday.  The appointment consisted of several tests that both seriously pissed Abby off and wore her out. They took her in for a chest x-ray and her cursing filled the office. It was impressive, I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't drive a couple terrified parents and their children from the building.

After the screaming x-ray they gave her an ECG. This involved hooking Abigail up like she needed a jump start. It would have been amusing if I hadn't been the one to hold her down during the test. Mock crucifying your three month old girl  is not a fun Monday morning activity. 

When the cardiologist  came in to discuss the test results with us, I noticed that he was directing all responses and questions to Mary. I'm guessing its because she was on her way to work, put together and looking like a consummate professional and I, halfway through my paternity leave, look like an unemployed garage attendant.
It turns out Abigail has a heart murmur. She has a hole in heart that should have closed and hasn't. Given the size of the hole, theres a 50 percent chance it will close on its own  in the next 18 months. The murmur wont affect her at this age,  the only danger is if they hadn't found it. If the hole doesn't close on its own they'll go through a vein in her leg and shut it. Not ideal, not as scary as it originally sounded.

After the cardiologist I stopped in at the office to pick up some work and let Abby meet the people I work with. It was a nice visit, really nice to see everyone and happy they got to meet Ms. Stinkface. As nice as it was, it was a waste of the doctor vacation. She slept the entire visit, then woke up as soon as I got home. Misstep!


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