Thursday, December 15, 2011

Parents First Christmas

We keep getting asked what we're doing for Abigails first Christmas.What special plans do we have, what grand happenings are going on to celebrate the first Christmas with our daughter.

I find this all kind of silly. All of this stuff is for us, Abby doesn't care. She wants a clean diaper, a full bottle, someone she can verbally abuse, someone to hold her.

The problem is that while I'm aware that its all about the new parents, the fact that I don't really care about it makes me feel like a lousy dad. Being a new parent is the only time I've been obviously, clumsily marketed to, said no and felt guilty afterwards. I'm a fat, white male. Seventy percent of all advertisements are directed at me and my fat white brothers in couch.  I thought I had built up a solid defense but that flicker of worry( am I being a lousy, inattentive father) eats at me.

This will be the last calm Christmas. Next year she'll be thrilled with the paper, the boxes, the lights and the ornaments. Then she'll start talking santa and gifts and we're off to modern christmas.

Lets just make a strong batch of eggnog and enjoy the peace. Merry Christmas!

At least put me in a cute outfit

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