Friday, November 4, 2011

Week one statistics

Its the end of my first week taking care of Ms. Abigail and we havent had to rush to the emergency room or have a visit from social services. Victory!

Hours spent crying (Abby): 18 1/2

Hours spent crying (Joe): 2 1/2

Times vomited on: 6

Kisses to pumpkin cheeks: 272

Pumpkin cheek kiss attempts that ended with baby vomit on my face: 1

Diapers changed :3,000 (rough estimate)

Poopacolypse diapers: 2

Times dogs woke baby: 8

Threats to violently kill dogs: 63

Times I thought Abigail was smiling: 4

Times it turned out to just be gas: 4

Books read: shut up

You win baby

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