Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Someone Please Calm This Baby

I have a list of things to do if Abby starts crying. This solves the problem 90% of the time.

Change Diaper. Feed. Rock. Burp. Use ridiculous baby voice. That's my entire list. Its...really short.

The list doesn't always solve the problem. I'll convince myself I've found the answer " Aha! She doesn't like this hat. This hat is the problem and now this baby will be happy forever".  She'll be happy for a few minutes, start yelling and I'll try something else. I wonder if doing the charleston calms furious infants?

When Abigail got out of the NICU, they sent use home with a video about crying. The video,Period of Purple Crying: A New Way to Understand Your Babies Crying, is garbage.

I watched Purple Crying during a night of extremely angry baby yelling. Watching a video about screaming babies while holding a screaming baby was stupid. Mary woke up to the echoes of wailing children.

 What did Purple Crying teach me? Some babies are jerks.There is nothing you can do. Thanks video!

I am angry

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