Saturday, October 15, 2011

Win Win

The proposal: Mary feeds and takes care of Abby for an entire night, I take care of and feed Abby the next night.

The purpose: Mary gets one night of uniterrupted rest. I get a night of sports, stupid tv, videogames and beer drinking. Everyone wins! USA! USA!

The problem: I am old and lame.

Mary agreed to my terms and took Abigail for the night. I headed downstairs, turned on the Brewers-Cardinals game, grabbed a beer and settled in. This is going to be great.One night time machine.

Six hours and a quarter beer later I woke up on the couch.

I made it one half inning and three sips of beer into my solitary man night. Good lord what a failure, what a waste of a well negotiated deal.

Abby night was more fun than time machine night. We had an old man face contest at 3:00 am. I won. Facial hair advantage.

This fist says I win

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