Friday, October 21, 2011

Tank Maintenance

Abigail had her two month checkup today (two months old!). I sat her down before we left and tried to explain what that meant.

Me: So uh, hey. We're going to the Doctor today and

Tank:Yeah yeah yeah, they're going to weigh me, listen to my breathing and heart and call it a day. Great.

Me: Wellllll.....that and theyregoingtogiveyousomeshotsandyoullbepissed. Hey lets go!

Tank: Say what now?

We talked about staying calm, her breathing exercises and proper language for a young lady in public. She promised to be on her best behavior.

When we got to the doctors office you could see she was preparing herself. Zoning out, finding her happy place.

Im not looking forward to this

Our nurse came in and looked her over. She's doing great. Tank now weighs 7 pounds 9 oz, a 9 oz gain in a week. Thats fantastic.

After the examination we had a break and Abby let her guard down. She relaxed, got a little cocky even.

Eh, no big deal

They come back for the shots. As the needle went into her leg she looked up at me. Her eyes said "Why are you allowing them to torture me father?". Her mouth said

I thought I had already seen her at her loudest and angriest. I had not. This baby goes to 11.

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